Open Bracket
A transmedia project to contrast on-line violence and cyber bully by letting young people speak out
Now it’s our turn to speak
Those directly concerned, those on the receiving end, the abusers, those who have advice to give and those who can tell you where it’s at
If someone is having a hard time stay close to them, try to understand where the problem lies, empathize
Don’t be judgemental but above all don’t be dismissive, intervention is called for. Watch the documentary on
Listen to further in depth-analyses on
The first thing to do is to talk about it
The first thing to do is to talk about it You can organize showings, workshops and debates using the material available on this website and the ideas for activities on this page
Una produzione originale Showlab in associazione con 2+1. Con il sostegno di Film Commission Torino Piemonte/ Piemonte Doc Film Fund
Testi e regia Davide Tosco – Fotografa Felipe Corvello, Federico Remolif, Davide Tosco Musiche originali e design del suono Mario Conte
Production management Patrizia Lietti – Line producer Elisabetta Claudio – Assistente di produzione Federico Pasino
Produttori Esecutivi Corrado Camilla, Alfo Bastiancich, Davide Tosco
Amministrazione Monica Costa, Cinzia del Prete, Lorena Ambrogio
Commissioning editor Rai 3 Annamaria Catricalà, Fabio Mancini Executive producer Rai 3 Monica Pacini
Commissioning editor Radio Rai 3 Fabiana Carobolante, Daria Corrias
Web Developers Andrea Giacchino, Fabio Moro